I hope everyone made it safely through the holiday season and into 2021.
I usually use the period between Christmas and New Year to think about the past year and develop goals and plans for what I want to achieve in the following year.
When I look back at 2020, I completed twenty short stories and didn’t get to the additional three novels I wanted to publish. However, I did get Thieves in the Temple completed and published wide, and I have a lot more confidence in my ability to format and publish eBooks wide. Paperbacks are a different issue as there’s much more to the cover design, so that has to be a 2021 challenge.
I did make a start to the second Jacob novel, Death at a Wedding, and I’m just under ten percent of the way through it. I don’t know who the murderer is yet, but in the first two chapters there are enough suspects to keep Jacob busy. I have a timeline for when I want Death to be published, and I’ll let you know when, if, I make it.
The publishing challenge is coming along slowly. Including Thieves, there were two pieces published in December (fifty to go). I have several short stories ready to be uploaded, but I need to write the sales copy for them. I’ve learned it’s best to do several at a time so you get into the rhythm. That’s how I completed six or seven of the Jacob stories. I just need to put some time aside to write the copy and find appropriate cover images.
The plan for 2021 is just about there, and I’ll share the highlights in the next post.
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