So, I looked at the calendar yesterday, and realized the plan to post my February update in early March was so late, it makes more sense to do a double update. Well, it did to me.

Starting with the updates, the story I mentioned in the last post was accepted by WMG Publishing for their anthology Promise in the Gold, which will be published later this year. Additionally, the paperback version of Thieves in the Temple is available on Amazon, and I published the Portals collection under the title Tales From the Puzzle Store in early March. No paperback version as yet, but stay tuned.

One of the learning items from putting together Tales From the Puzzle Store has been Books2Read. They are part of Draft2Digital, and provide you with a single link that references all the online stores where your books are available. You’ll see some changes on the other pages of this site in the next few weeks as I implement those links, and a page about the other collections planned for this year. I’m also looking at working with Payhip and Book Funnel so you can buy directly from this site without going through any of the big retailers. 

I’ve continued using the beta for Aeon Timeline 3, including using it to map out a longer term series project that could easily run to six or more books, although it will probably be later this year, or early 2022 before I get to start on those.  

I’ve done quite a bit of research and thinking about the Thieves in the Temple and its successors, and how they should be branded. Going forward, the plan is to use a sub-title A Jacob and Miriam Novel. Of course that may change by the time Death at a Wedding comes out. Needless to say, those dates have slid a little, so more when there’s news to share on that front.