Fiction and Non-Fiction

Month: June 2024

Road Trip

Last week I made a business trip to visit a client in Seattle.

No big thing, you’d think. A direct flight from Atlanta into Seattle and back again with hotel and meetings in between.

There was a time when I made a trip like this two or three times a month – sometimes leaving on Sunday and not getting home until late Friday. It’s a pretty rootless existence but you get used to it – the packing, assessing who in the terminal you don’t want as your seat mate, and consoling with other travelers when the inevitable flight delays occur.

I mention this because last week was the first business trip I’ve taken since 2019, and packing for business is very different from packing for vacation. In some senses, business packing is easier. Even with business casual there’s a more limited set of clothes to pack, and unlike vacation where I pack three or four times as many books as I can reasonably read, I cut right back for business trips. However, let’s not forget the Kindle, Apple, and Kobo libraries on my iPad, so maybe I’m not cutting back as much as I thought.

I had some issues with my boarding pass not showing my Pre-Check status on the outbound leg, but overall it couldn’t have gone much better. The flights were on time, the Seattle weather was unexpectedly clear, dry, and warm, and the client was a pleasure to work with.

Overall this was a good re-introduction to traveling for business. I know it won’t always be like this. On-time flights, an aisle seat both ways, and writing over two thousand words in my downtime is a win I’m happy to take.

Thrill Ride – Gadgets

If you didn’t support the kickstarter for Thrill Ride, the latest issue Gadgets, is arriving on June 21st. I don’t have anything in this issue, but I’ve seen some of the stories and it’s another great anthology.

I can’t tell you to hurry before all copies are gone, because it’s an eBook! However you can get it here where you can avoid the rush: Thrill Ride.

You’ll be glad you did.

Heallreaf 5 is Here

I’ve written before about my sister, Margaret, and what a talented weaver she is.

As well as winning many awards, and allowing me to use her work The Alchemist’s Dream as the cover for my book Mageweaver, Margaret is also the driving force behind the conception and continued success of the Heallreaf exhibitions.

Heallreaf started as a small affair at West Dean College in 2015 and has grown each time to Heallreaf 5 with showings in three locations in the UK starting on June 29th at Weston Park in Shropshire. I won’t make it to the Weston Park location, but I am looking at one of the other two – Morley Gallery in London in December 2024 or Farfield Mill in Cumbria from January to April 2025.

Morley Gallery will be easier for me from a travel perspective, but Farfield Mill is just a stone’s throw from the English Lake District. The Lakes have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, and it’s a very, very long time since I’ve seen them so that may be the tie-breaker.

If you get the chance, take the time to visit Heallreaf 5 and the creations of some of the best weaver’s working today. You won’t be disappointed.

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