As I expected, the private viewing for Heallreaf 5 was everything I anticipated and more. In addition to the “regular” tapestries, there was Dancing Vessel 2 by Barbara Burns – weaving displayed on a ceramic pot, and Nostalgia by Magenta Kang – a four sided tapestry on a wooden frame. Both are hard to describe but you can see them here:

As a visitor, you can select one of the pieces as your favorite. At the end of the exhibition series in Sedburgh in April the votes will be tallied and the winner receives an award. I’m already looking to see if my schedule will allow a visit in the Spring to see who wins.

And, yes, I did spend a morning browsing through Waterstones in Piccadilly, and it was wonderful. I was tempted by Ottolenghi’s Test Kitchen, but a quick online search showed I can buy that in the US – not the point of the expedition.

Finally, I walked out with a two volume biography of Oliver Cromwell which with the books my sister has for me, gives me plenty to read on the flight home, and a need for some careful packing.

Next week, I’ll spend some time on a retrospective for 2024.