Fiction and Non-Fiction

Tag: #GooglePlay

An Update on AI Audio

AI is the current hot topic in many areas of our lives at the moment – from an AI engine being the first level of customer support, or those incessant robo-calls, to “creating” stories or images.

I have been following the various legal cases that are currently in flight, but that isn’t the focus this week. Instead I want to talk a little about AI audio which in the past two years has gone from almost pariah to an accepted medium.

As I mentioned in the posting of October 2022, I ran my novel Thieves in the Temple through the free Google Audio converter and played around a little with the various voice options. I didn’t do much more than that, and made it available on Google Play for the same price as the paperback. At the time, Google Play was the only place to make it available.

Fast forward to today, and those options have grown dramatically. The AI audio files from Google Play can now be made available on Kobo, Draft to Digital, and Book Funnel to name a few.

The feedback I had on the audio sales showed me there are still some tweaks I need to make to the text so the AI can interpret the words more easily. Those tweaks are on my schedule for the first quarter of 2024 so by the second quarter, the audio of Thieves in the Temple and the sequel novel Death at a Wedding will be available more widely.

Stay tuned for updates.

Thoughts on AI Audio

The use of an artificial intelligence voice to produce an audio version of a work of fiction or non-fiction has been around for quite a while now. Early versions were clearly early versions. The voices were monotone and robotic sounding and not really suited to the nuances and inflexions of a fiction story.

Time has passed, and the quality and ability of the AI voice to sound more human has improved in leaps and bounds. Joanna Penn provides regular updates on her podcasts (The Creative Penn Podcast: Writing, Publishing, Book Marketing, Making A Living With Your Writing | The Creative Penn), and earlier in the summer, she spoke about a new, and currently free, service on Google Play that takes your text manuscript and converts it to audio, with the option to select one of several AI voices.

As an experiment, in June, I put Thieves in the Temple through the process and added it to my Google Catalog along with the eBooks (Thieves in the Temple by Richard Freeborn – Audiobooks on Google Play). The quality wasn’t bad, so I priced the audio the same as the paperback, and added a notation it’s AI narrated. I intended to put a proper cover on it, like the eBook and paperback versions, but something bright and shiny distracted me, and I never got around to it.

And I’ve sold copies! That surprised me as I’ve done no marketing or promotion, just added it to the catalog and left it there. It’s now my top seller on Google!

Who knew?

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